Design: Creative Concepts and Details
在設計方面布段研究開發,更不定期的在國內、外看展及搜尋各種流行資訊,常常我們的設計都是同業的指標,不論是款式的設計或布料的研究,都投入大批心力並具有電腦彩色繪圖的豐富經驗,為企業設計專屬企業形象,是我們的努力方向及專長。It is our duty to translate from your culture, heritage, and vision to a set of uniforms that combined with the importance of fit, ultimate material durability, and production efficiencies. We would love to tell the story and culture of your brand through uniforms.
We have both in-house design and pattern cutters team which work with the clients close together. Our designers are creative innovative that we will combine your brand identities with the latest trends, fabric developments, and tested as fit-for-purpose.
At CHO RONG, you get access to the creative and exclusive design. ‘One style fits all’ is not for us. Our jobs start from fabric design, button design and all the details that you might not notice about. We will develop a series of design concepts and bring your brief to life. To meet the needs of all your people, we can adapt the designs for a maternity range and create styles that respect cultural diversity. You want your staff to take pride in what they wear – and so do we.
The design concept will also deliver:
Colour / Silhouette, garment and styling trend options / Fabric and trim specification -
Product Development
衣服的骨架在於打版,好的打版可以達到美化修飾身材的效果,所以我們都使用立體打版方式考慮人體工學,每一件完成品都製成胚樣,研究檢討,力求舒適的機能性及服裝的美觀性。Our designs are brought to life with proto samples for review on real models. We work in the same way as haute couture. Our specialist garment and fabric technicians oversee the quality at every stage. As soon as your bespoke patterns are cut and refined, we have samples machined in-house. Sampling is one of the most important stages of the process. It is also the first chance to check you are satisfied with the details. We will correct these prototypes until approved for production.
Body Measurement and Staff Fitting Day
採用量身及套穿雙管齊下,量身是為了了解客戶身材比例,套穿是為了了解客戶喜好。一套令客戶滿意的制服,除了大家視覺感觀就是穿著人的感受,我們深深了解並且會將心比心。補量、追加或售後服務都會派專人在三服務,務必在指定期程內完成,並滿意服務保證。This will be one of the most exciting days for your team when they can try on their new bespoke uniforms. We will not only measure all your team member’s size but also provide you a staff fitting day! On that day, our professional tailor and account manager issue out the uniform, make sure that each person is wearing the correct size and to complete last-minute alterations. We will also pay careful attention to each individual’s figure to meet all the body types of your team members.
“It is so easy to work with Cho Rong as we do not need to worry about all the details and they will inform and take care of everything for us!”- Our customers.
所有的師傅群均有超過20年以上的專業服裝製造經驗,並採責任制以提高產量及工作品質及交貨日期。From design through development, you benefit from our end-to-end product control. To create an outstanding garment with the highest quality, we own two factories that we keep to the time frame agreed and budgets under control.
Quality Control
在我們交付您的產品之前,所有物品均經過嚴格的檢測,以證明所有產品均符合標準。生產線上有著專業品管監控,確保品質。Before we deliver your products, all the items are subjected to rigorous corporate wear testing to certify all products meet our standard.
The materials we used to create your unique bespoke uniform are from Japan, Europe or other experienced Taiwanese brands. They are not only the best quality but also meet high-level ethical, social and environmental standards.
All fabrics and trims are sourced from corporate fabric mills and also tested to the highest international standards. These tests ensure our final bespoke uniform achieves strict corporate wear specifications.
出貨前通知經辦人出貨日並附出貨明細及簽收單並備有掛號回郵信封及附有洗滌說明書,載明各種污染的清洗,保養方式。As your new uniforms pass our serious and strict quality control, we will start preparing for the delivery. We will notice your team before delivering your items from our factories and you will receive the shipping details and delivery receipt. Every item of your uniform will be delivered with maintenance and care guide. The partially completed garments will be delivered in high-grade suit carriers.
After-sales service
我們提供完整的售後服務,每一件專案都由專人負責,在全國皆有服務據點,提供您滿意的售後服務。As a multi-award-winning corporate uniform specialist, we offer total contract management. Our customer service team will handle your queries and your dedicated account management team manages your orders and deliveries. Our professional team will also visit your office around Taiwan or outside or Taiwan to make sure you are satisfied of the items they received.